Monday, August 27, 2012

First Post

Hi everyone, I'm Carly, a new student at the University of Tampa, from Long Island, NY. I'm an art major, aspiring for a career in art therapy. I love to work with clay, charcoal, pencil, ink, and as many other mediums as possible. I am generally a very laid-back, easy-going girl, with a strong open mind to experience and learn new things. After our first class today, I'm extremely excited to cover a whole new field of art that I'm not really too familiar with. I anticipate working with a whole bunch of new mediums and learning how to use new programs. In addition to that, I am sure that what I learn in class will broaden my horizons, and inspire me to create all sorts of great pieces.

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to Tampa Carly. I hope you enjoyed your first full week of classes here. Take care! :)
