Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Mummy at Bayshore Blvd

Ever sit on Facebook for hours on end and think, "What am I even doing?"
Do you find yourself going from website to website reading meaningless statuses and tweets such as:

Times goes by, your work is still unfinished, and there you are... STILL on the computer, keeping up with people you happen to know (or maybe not) that are not the least bit significant in your life.

If this applies to you, then there is a good chance distraction and procrastination have gotten the best of you... like they have me. Recently, I've found myself glued to the computer, unable to leave. Occasionally I glance out the window, catch a glimpse of the beautiful view and think, "Wow... just get up!!!!" I am someone who is constantly enamored by the sky, ocean, greenery, and other beautiful things we all take for granted. So, it kills me to waste time online. My piece shows how technology, though so wonderful and convenient, can be so restricting. I chose to mummify myself on Bayshore Boulevard, with my phone and computer in hand, while an abundance of runners, bicyclists, walkers, and rollerbladers cruised by. Hopefully those people were thinking, "I don't know what that girl is doing but I'm glad I'm out here getting some exercise, limbs mobile and free, no bondage or internet tying me down," ....or something along those lines...

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